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(Names have been removed to protect anonymity)


Grant #1:

"A" is an almost 21 year old in the River Region currently on hospice due to a brain tumor that she was diagnosed with as a small child.   Her condition has worsened forcing her mother to miss work and thus she has gotten behind on her mortgage payments.  A and her mother are the only members of the household; her mother has been a devoted caregiver to A for all these years.  They are, not only, facing significant stress and strain from the hospice transition, but are also now worrying about losing their home. 

In response to this story, a grant was sent to this sweet family covering the entire past due amount on their mortgage, hopefully eliminating this unnecessary stress and providing some relief.


Grant #2:
"B" is a 12 year old diagnosed with glioblastoma.   He was diagnosed years ago, and after therapy went into remission.   He was starting to learn the joys of being a young boy again.  Specifically, learning how to play baseball, when, unfortunately, he was given the news that his cancer had returned.  B's symptoms have been rapidly worsening.  And tragically, B also has a brother with a brain tumor which left him with significant disability.  Now with two children at home suffering from neurological disabilities, B's parents have been forced to miss work to spend more time at home.  They are now experiencing significant financial strain.   Through Hogs for the Cause, we have given this great family a grant to help ease their financial worries.


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